New Alumni Directory Available for Purchase
QCEF (Quakertown Community Education Foundation sponsored the publication of a new updated QCHS Alumni Directory.
Harris Connect is offering hardbound/softbound editions of the directory for sale. Alumni may also purchase a CD-ROM version of the directory or a combination of the CD and either the hardbound or softbound editions.
If an alum is not interested in purchasing the printed edition or CD-ROM version, he or she will be offered the opportunity to purchase a Reunion CD, which contains the alum's class year, as well as the surrounding 4 class years.
For more information, contact:
Harris Connect
Customer Service Department 800-877-6554
[email protected]
Magazine Direct
In addition, those alumni who make a purchase with a credit card will be offered the opportunity to take advantage of a special magazine offer. Alumni can get a free 3-month trial subscription on up to 3 of their favorite magazines. There is absolutely no obligation for alumni to accept this additional offer.
During the outbound portion of the phoning phase, Harris Connect will leave a prerecorded message for people they do not reach.
The number constituents should call to update their listing is (800) 487-4139.
The prices below will be taxed.
Hardbound or Full CD- $89.99
Softbound- $69.99
Reunion CD- $24.99
Hardbound AND Full CD- $109.99
Softbound AND Full CD- $89.99