
The Quakertown Community School District's Middle School Mathematics Program strives to provide mathematical success for all students in grades 6 - 8.  In support of this goal, the Big Ideas program provides a framework in which both Strayer and the Sixth Grade Campus students build on the background knowledge and skills attained at the elementary level. To accomplish this, these skills are constantly reinforced and applied to gradually more complex problems. At each grade level, the students are encouraged to expand their arsenal of skills and supplement their solving strategies. As students move through middle school, the goal is for them to develop higher-level thinking skills and to become increasingly more independent problem solvers.

The Big Ideas Learning Blog provides math resources, tips, and classroom advice for teachers and parents to help support student learning. This blog will give parents an understanding of the key components of The Big Ideas math series. 

These two documents give a complete overview of the
6-8 program and the AGA program (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2).

Middle School Math Curriculum (Learning Targets and Success Criteria)
Math 6
Math 6 Compacted
Math 7
Math 8
Algebra 1

To provide parents and students with an understanding of the rigor of the PSSA and Keystone, we are including sample released PSSAs/Keystones for grades 6-8 and Algebra 1 below.

PDE  PSSA Mathematics Resources

Algebra 1 Keystone 2023-2024

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