Personalized Instructional Coaching uses the BDA Cycle to work with a teacher on one targeted area of instruction.
Like all Instructional Coaching experiences, Personalized Instructional Coaching support begins by the teacher reaching out to an Instructional Coach to schedule a before meeting session to begin the Instructional Coaching relationship and discuss the goals of this professional partnership. It is during this meeting the teacher and Instructional Coach talk about the lesson that will be observed.
Once the Instructional Coaching goals are established the teacher and Instructional Coach arrange a time for the Instructional Coach to observe a lesson during which the Instructional Coach gathers observational data surrounding the goals discussed in the before meeting.
The Instructional Coach compiles information collected while the lesson was taught and shares the findings with the teacher in an after meeting during which the Instructional Coach and teacher decide if the data collected is where it "should" be and was anticipated to be or if it was different than predicted. If the former a new goal can be targeted to continue the Instructional Coaching relationship. If the latter, the Instructional Coach and teacher work together on new ideas to move the data collected in subsequent during observations closer to target.