District hosts tabletop exercise

The event simulates a school threat and the courses of action a school will need to take before, during, and after the emergency.
Posted on 08/23/2022
Kasey Kollar, Chief of Operations at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, facilitated the tabletop scenarios.Nearly 50 people attended a tabletop exercise Monday afternoon at Quakertown Community High School, one of several steps the district has taken to increase safety in its facilities.

Kasey Kollar, Chief of Operations at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, facilitated the event, which simulates an emergency situation in a low-stress environment. Participants were taken through a scenario and the courses of action a school will need to take before, during, and after an emergency, and there was a detailed discussion of roles, responsibilities, and anticipated courses of action.

Attendees included Superintendent Dr. Bill Harner, Assistant Superintendent Nancianne Edwards, who is the district’s Safety Coordinator, the superintendent’s cabinet, all school principals, QCSD administrators, teachers, police chiefs Scott McElree of Quakertown and Richard Ficco Sr. of Richland, QCSD’s School Resource Officers Bob Lee and Brian Hendrzak, representatives of Pennsylvania State Police and other law enforcement officials and first responders, and School Board member Glenn Iosue.

Dr. Harner and Chief McElree each cited the relationship built between the district and law enforcement as a positive in helping to keep schools safe.

“We have done several of these and we will continue to do more,” Dr. Harner said.

Chief McElree added “We can never prepare enough. I applaud you guys for setting this up. We’ve come a long way together.”
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