Students in QCSD may take the following assessments during their school career:
LinkIt! Benchmark Assessments (ELA - 3-10, Math- 2-8 and Algebra, Science- 4th, 8th, Bio)
K-5 Dibels Diagnostic Tests (Literacy)
K-6 Acadience Assessments (Math)
PSSA (3-8 ELA, Math, Science)
Keystone Exams (HS Algebra, Biology, Literature)
PASA (PA Alternate Standards Assessment)
Screeners for: Kindergarten Readiness, Algebra Readiness (Grade 5)
Access for ELs (English Learners)
SRI Assessment for Read 180
iReady Diagnostic assessments
Optional Assessments
Advanced Placement Exams
NOCTI (For students at the Upper Bucks Vocational Technical School)