Title III: ELD

QCSD English Learners InfographicMeet the ESL Staff
Parent Outreach Activities
Board Policy for English Language Development
State Assessments
Parent Resources
Teacher Resources


Aims to improve and enhance the education of English Learners (ELs) and immigrant students by helping them attain English proficiency and meet state academic achievement standards

How Schools Receive Funds
State formula grants are provided to SEAs based on the number of ELs reported through US Census data. LEAs are awarded funds based on the number of ELs that reside in the district.

How Funds can be Used
- To increase English language proficiency and student achievement
- To increase the abilities of staff to improve ELD instruction and assessment
- Funds can only be used to supplement (not supplant) programs and initiatives that specifically focus on developing English proficiency. 

Department Overview

The Quakertown Community School District provides an English Language Development (ELD) program that fosters and develops language acquisition of all English Language Learners. The program strives to incorporate various instructional models such as push-in, pull-out, and content-area instruction and support.

The acquisition of a second language requires intense instruction in the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is not a linear process, but instead involves multiple facets of proficiency and understanding.

Second language instruction in Quakertown strives to target individual students' levels of proficiency based on data and observations, and provide challenges that foster academic growth. The lessons incorporate both academic objectives as well as language objectives that the student must meet.

Furthermore, collaboration between staff members is a crucial component of our students'successes. ELD instruction is designed to supplement classroom instruction, and teachers need to work together to identify best practices to meet students'needs.

Another critical feature of our program is the support provided for students who have recently exited the program. The ELD department of the Quakertown Community School District strives to maintain a focus and a network of support for these students as they make the difficult transition to the mainstream classroom. Therefore, we have a two year monitoring process to ensure the academic success of these students.

Most importantly, the ESL teachers of the district provide an environment of acceptance and comfort for students. The program allows students to work cooperatively, value others as individuals, and challenge themselves. The school district values the diverse and rich backgrounds of its students, and works hard to ease the transition into the culture of a new country, community, and school.

Finally, QCSD’s ELD program works hard to meet all requirements provided by the Department of Education, both at the federal and state level.

Pennsylvania English Language Proficiency Standards

ELD Vision

District Curriculum Coordinator
Dr. Erin Oleksa-Carter
[email protected]

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