Parents are urged to help the school district promote safety by discussing with and encouraging their children to apply safety measures while walking to and from and riding the bus to prevent accidents. Misbehavior on buses distracts drivers and endangers lives. Drivers are instructed in safety procedures and report discipline problems to the principals. The bus discipline policy is included in the student handbook for anyone who needs more information. Bus evacuation drills are held twice yearly to teach students how to leave the bus in emergencies.
As most students travel to school on buses, it is expected that they:
Are on time at the appointed place to meet the bus. Plan to be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled pickup time.
Obey the bus driver.
Be seated before and until the bus stops.
Keep head and hands in the bus, away from open windows.
Stand in line waiting to get on and off the bus.
Will not run toward a moving bus for loading purposes. All students must walk in an orderly fashion to the bus loading area.
Keep aisle of the bus clear while the bus is in motion.
Show due courtesy to others riding the bus.
Show proper regard for lawn, shrubbery, and other property, whether it be at school or at the loading point.
Refrain from conversation with the operator while the bus is in motion.
Will return directly home (using proper safety procedures) after school from the bus.
Will participate in bus safety drills (according to state law) that are held twice a year immediately upon the bus's arrival at school.
Sit in an assigned seat when requested to do so by an authorized person (bus driver, principal, etc.).
Will remain seated on the chairs provided.
Will speak quietly without disturbing others.
Will walk quietly and orderly upon entering the building and proceeding to the classroom.
Student misconduct on a school bus could lead to suspension from the privilege of riding the bus by means of the following procedure:
For misconduct of an extremely serious nature, parents shall be notified by phone immediately and advised of the fact that suspension of bus privileges is taking place, and the length of time of the suspension and date on which suspension will take effect and end.
For misconduct that is not extremely serious, the following steps shall be taken:
The bus driver shall give written reports (pink slips) to the principal.
The school shall keep a list of all reported incidents.
Parents shall be notified of each incident of their child's misconduct and told of disciplinary action.
Parents and child shall be encouraged to meet with the bus driver and principal to seek an understanding and cooperation among all those involved.
Upon receiving a report of a student's second offense, the principal shall notify the parents by phone and shall send a certified letter to the parents warning that repeated action of this kind might result in a suspension from bus privileges. Parents shall be informed of discipline measures taken.
After receiving a third report of a student's misbehavior on the bus, the principal may suspend the student's bus privileges. The parent will be notified by phone and certified letter as to the reason for suspension from the use of the bus, as well as the dates of suspension.