Procedural Safeguards Notice

The Procedural Safeguards Notice includes a full explanation of all of the rights available to parents of a child with a disability ages 3-21 when their child has been referred for or is receiving special education services. This model form provides a format that LEAs may choose to use to provide information about procedural safeguards to parents. This revised Procedural Safeguards Notice includes additional resources for parents in Appendix A. This document also contains a revised Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR) Request Form for IEP/IFSP Facilitation, Mediation, Evaluative Conciliation Conference (ECC) and a revised Due Process Compliant Request Form. The revised Procedural Safeguards Notice contains the footer "October 2014."

Preschool and Early Intervention:
Procedural Safeguards Notice - Preschool/EI-K - English

Procedural Safeguards Notice- Preschool/EI-K- Spanish

School Age:
Procedural Safeguards Notice- School Age- English

Procedural Safeguards Notice- School Age- Spanish

If you need Procedural Safeguards Notice in another language besides Spanish and English you can find them at PATTAN's website. Click on the link below.

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