Mini-Grant Application
Submit to Stacy Reiss in the Business Office, [email protected]
For QCSD Faculty Members
Faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of available Mini-Grants to support off-budget initiatives either for materials or activities. While Mini-Grants are typically for up to $1,000, larger amounts will be considered. Teachers are encouraged to download and submit grant proposals for review by the QCEF Board. Approved grants will be funded via reimbursement for documented expenses. The criteria for approval are given below.
QCEF is committed to programs that address the following foundations of education:
1) Reflect best teaching practice
2) Display creativity
3) Encourage participation with parents and the community
4) Provide opportunities not typically available to students such as speakers.
5) Inspire students to increase their interest in a topic
6) Demonstrate novel use of materials beyond the curriculum
7) Use technology to enhance instruction
8) Provide students with leadership and competitive opportunities outside the classroom