SafeArrival Quick Tips

SafeArrival Quick Tips

Entering your child’s absence

  • Absences (full day, late arrivals, or early dismissals) may be scheduled in advance (exp. scheduled dr. appt.) or on the day of the absence. 

  • All absences require written notification to the school or will be considered truant. For the purposes of attendance, SafeArrival is considered a written notification.By entering your child’s absence through SafeArrival an excuse note is NOTneeded.*

    • *If your child has received a 10-Day Truancy letter, a doctor's note MUST be supplied.  This can be done by uploading it to SafeArrival on the day of the absence or sent to the main office with your student on their return to school.  This is in reference to ALL absences, whether it is a full day, late or early dismissal.

  • If your child has been absent for three (3) consecutive days, on the fourth absence, the system will not accept your submission and you must contact the school.

    • The system will be reset after the fourth absence, and SafeArrival can be used again.

Revising or Canceling an Absence

  • SafeArrival only allows revisions/cancelations for present or future dates.  It is not possible to revise/cancel an absence for a previous day.  If you missed making a change,  please contact the attendance office.

Quick Tip

Save the SafeArrival phone number (1-833-834-4911) as “SafeArrival” contact in your phone.  Doing this makes it easy to have the toll-free number on hand and to easily report an absence (if not using the app).  It is also helpful to see “SafeArrival” as a contact if the school is calling to verify an unreported absence.

SafeArrival Notifications

In addition, we use SchoolMessenger Communicate automated notification system to contact parents/guardians whose child is absent but, an absence was not reported.  

  • The automated notification system will attempt to contact parents by both phone and email on the day of the absence only until a reason is submitted for the absence.  

  • If you report your child’s absence in advance using SafeArrival, you will NOT receive automated notifications.

  • If the system is unable to reach the designated contact or you do not enter an absence for that day, the absence will remain unexcused unless you send an excuse note to your child’s school office within three (3) days of the absence.

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