Child, Home, and Community
CHC empowers and educates teen moms and dads, both one-on-one and in groups. With their support, young parents will enjoy healthy pregnancies, give birth to full-term babies, learn solid parenting skills, complete high school, and plan for higher education or a career.
- Prenatal Childbirth Classes
- Teen Parenting Programs
- School Based Program & Teen Parent Education Project
- Creative Careers
- Community Outreach Programs
- Click on the link above for more information on programs and classes, or to register for a class.
Women, Infants, & Children
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk
- Also known primarily as "WIC"
- Click on the link above to connect to the website for information on how to apply for benefits
Crossroads Pregnancy Care
Confidential pregnancy services and advice offered free of charge
256 Trumbauersville Rd, Quakertown PA 18951
- Pregnancy Tests
- Consultation on Pregnancy Options, such as abortion and adoption
- Abstinence Program
- Material Support
- Ongoing Pregnancy Support
- Referrals for community services including health care, legal advice, and adoption
- Parenting Education
- Call for an appointment, or click on the link to go to the website for more information
Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance
This website gives general information about topics of interest to parents, and encourages you to find support through family support programs in your community. Click on the link above for more information for parents and links to helpful resources
Child Abuse & Neglect--Child Abuse Facts, Indicators of Child Abuse, Child Abuse Prevention, Child Welfare
Parenting--Thoughts for Parents, Parenting in Difficult Situations, Parenting Teens, School Aged, & Young Children
*Features information for Mandated Reporters