Draft - 2018-2019 Budget Calendar
January 11, 2018 Preliminary Budget Preview Presentation
January 25, 2018 Prelimainary Budget Presentation
Guidance Counselor to Student Ratio
Projected Class Size by Grade Level
07/14/2017 Are Schools Holding Too Much Reserves?
Financial Impact of Closing MMS/TV
Budget Attachment A-D Budget Scenarios - PFM 5 Year Projections
Budget Attachment E -6 Year Special Education Financials
Budget Attachment F - 6 Year Staffing Counts (FTE)
Budget Attachment G - Student Enrollment Projections
Budget Attachment H - Student Enrollment Projections
Budget Attachment I - Health Benefit Costs (Teachers)
Budget Attachment J - Health Benefit Costs (Admin/Supervisors)
Budget Attachment K - Health Benefit Costs (Support Staff)
Budget Attachment L - Medical Premiums
Budget Attachment M - PSERS Contribution Rates
PSERS Actual Costs
PSERS Projection Vs. Actual
Budget Attachment N - Budget Cost Drivers
Budget Attachment O - Budget Revenue Drivers
Budget Attachment P - Average Teacher Compensation
Average Administrator Compensation
Budget Attachment Q - Debt Service Summary
Budget Attachment R - Tax Increase History
Budget Attachment S - Tax Assessment History
Budget Attachment T - Preliminary Budget Assumptions
Budget Attachment U - Expenditures by Student and FTE
Budget Attachment V - Budget vs. Prior PFM Projections
Budget Attachment W - 2018/2019 Expenditure Breakdown
Budget Attachment X - Capital Projects 2018/2019
BUDGET UPDATES 04/12/2018 - Updates Below:
Retirement Analysis
Budget Update 03/22/18
Budget Update 04/12/18
PFM 5-Year Projection Models - Summary Page
Neidig Elementary School Renovation & Addition Project - Summary of New Money Scenario
Proposed FINAL Budget 2018-2019: 04/26/2018
The Proposed Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 totals $110,655,204. This amount includes $1,580,000 in capital expenditures and $800,000 in budgetary reserve. The proposed millage rate is 164.39, an increase of 6.62 mills, or 4.2% over the 2017-18 millage rate of 157.77. The proposed expenditures are $1,428,248 more than the 2017-18 budget, for an increase of 1.3%.
For Complete Summary & Analysis Click HERE
***** NOTICE is given that the Proposed FINAL Budget for the General Fund of the Quakertown Community School District for the 2018-19 Fiscal Year will be available for public inspection at the District Service Center, 100 Commerce Drive, Quakertown, PA, and on the District website, www.qcsd.org following Board approval on April 26, 2018.
The Proposed FINAL Budget will be presented for adoption as a FINAL Budget at the School Board Work Session/Regular Voting Meeting to be held at the District Service Center, 100 Commerce Drive, Quakertown, PA at 7:00 p.m. on June 14, 2018.
The FINAL Budget may be amended before adoption.
2018-2019 Proposed Final Budget PDE 2028
Music Program Data
Music Program - Staffing and Budget History
Detailed Budget Summary
Stipend Positions
BUDGET UPDATES 05/24/2018 - Updates Below:
2017/2018 Budget Update
2017/2018 Final Budget vs. Actual w. Fund Balance
Staffing Numbers:
District Service Center Staffing - 5-Year History
Staffing Change by Group - 5-Year History
Full-Time Equivalent Change - All Content - 6-Year History
Capital Projects 2018/19:
Facilities Projects - Priority Listing
FINAL Budget 2018-2019 for Vote: Board Meeting 06/14/2018
The 2018-2019 Final Budget for fiscal year 2018-2019 totals $110,425,941. This amount includes $800,000 in Budgetary Reserve. The proposed millage rate is 164.39, an increase of 6.62 mills, or 4.2%, over the 2017-18 millage rate of 157.77 mills. The proposed expenditures are $1,198,985 more than the 2017-18 budget, for an increase of 1.10% .